
This web site is dedicated to all who delight in classical chamber music in general, and its most sublime form - the String Quartet - in particular.

The site offers a large collection of 'raw' MIDI files of complete classical chamber music works. Site visitors are welcome freely to download any of these. There is no charge. However recipients may instead consider making a suitable donation directly to their favourite charity.

Glasgow Web Design are currently fine tuning a new website redesign for String Quartets, so check back soon for updates.

"Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres" - as is this site! The three parts being:-


including subsections on the transcription process, references, contacts, acknowledgments, links, transcriber's CV etc...


an hierarchical structure of composers, composition types, opus numbers and movements - complete with details - and including links to the...........

MIDI file bank 

accessible only via the Listings section and comprising 126 complete works (88 string quartets, 35 keyboard-plus-instrument duets) - over 500 individual midi files, in all some 15 Mbytes.


Link to Discussion

Link to Listings

Link to Guest Book

... end of Introduction